We are getting some fall rainy weather now so summer had to end.
Seniors are busy putting final touches on their applications, some have even submitted a few. Juniors are beginning to explore colleges. It was great to see many of you at the college fair this past weekend.
October 2023
10th and 11th graders check with your school for PSAT sign up dates
Here is the link to NACAC college fairs:
If you are interested in art, attend a National Portfolio Day:
Seniors should attend meetings with college reps at your school. Continue to work on your applications: complete your applications if applying ED or EA
Parents complete the CSS profile if applicable
November 2023
Seniors should submit their EA or ED applications
Continue to work on remaining applications
Check dates for upcoming SAT or ACT availability in your area
There’s a lot of information and choices involved in finding the college best fit for each student. Marie can help you organize, process all that knowledge, and find the right choice for you as an individual. Schedule a 20 minute discovery call with Marie today.