How can it be November?
There are lots of things happening this month. Juniors have taken the PSAT and most have experienced the new digital format. Seniors are finalizing applications; many have already submitted.
I will posting some important articles regarding programs and more importantly, financial aid terminology as well as next steps after applications have been submitted.
We know that the new FAFSA will not be available until December. However, families can set up their FSA ID so they are ready to go. (the article coming out on the 14th will cover this in detail!)
If you have any questions, please reach out!
November 2023
Seniors- File Early Decision/ Early Action applications
Work on remaining college applications
Check College Board and ACT websites for testing opportunities in your area.
Underclassmen look for PSAT score release and review the report. Map out a plan for test prep with an advisor
December 2023
Schedule spring SAT or ACT testing dates
Seniors- file any additional college applications before deadline dates
Enjoy your holiday break. Take some well earned time to be with friends and family.
There’s a lot of information and choices involved in finding the college best fit for each student. Marie can help you organize, process all that knowledge, and find the right choice for you as an individual. Schedule a 20 minute discovery call with Marie today.